Anyone who knows the function of a person's colon will appreciate the need to keep it free from toxins. You will need to keep the intestinal tract free from parasites that may find a good place for refuge in the large intestines, and the best way to have this done is through good colon cleansing procedures. The colon absorbs water and thus provides a good path for nutrients and feces - if clogged up, these processes will take longer.

Procedures such as irrigation, hydrotherapy and use of supplements have been invented in a bid to clean the colon area. Whichever method you decide to use, make sure that it will result in relieving the colon from strenuous activities while separating water, mineral substances and waste.

The lemon colon cleanse

Among the most popular lemon bowtrol probiotic program is the master cleanse. The procedure involves consuming a minimum of 12 glasses of this special mix of lemon every day for 7 to 10 consecutive days. The mixture consists of pure water, cayenne pepper, grade B/C maple syrup, organic lemon juice and some laxative that is optional, used only when there are no serious side effects.

How it can be used as a cleanser:

The most popular method of using lemon according to colon cleanser reviews is through a program incorporating 12 glasses of a special mixture of lemon each day for at least 7 to 10 days. This mixture is made by adding organic lemon extract, cayenne pepper, maple syrup and some forms of laxative. Laxative is optional as long as the user does not have a negative reaction to the same.

The lemon falls within the category of citrus fruits known to bear antioxidant properties. This properties are made possible by the high content levels of vitamin C. Vitamin C is generally water soluble making it possible to gain access to different sections of the body while destroying free radicals which have the ability of causing damage to body cells, leading to serious health problems such as cancer.

The lemon juice plays an important role as an effective blood purifier. It offers important health benefits because the dieter will be in a position to cleanse his/her system while receiving nutritional benefits in the form of potassium and vitamin C to the body. On the other hand, the cayenne pepper helps to improve the blood circulation. The natural sugars that are present in the maple syrup provide some minerals and calories. The laxative offers a quick remedy that helps with bowel movement. When used there is the possibility for excess bowel movement as well as diarrhea. Therefore, the lemon cleanser can easily cause dehydration.

However, you must have a physician examine your ability to absorb the laxative, failure to which it can cause diarrhea. The lemon concoction must be taken with plenty of water, as it is a concentration of minerals and vitamins. Water is a good solvent and neutralizes the acid/base components of each of the ingredients used in the detox process. In addition, the dieter must be on a healthy diet all along as this will help keep the body in shape throughout the process.

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    June 2013

