A Few Ways How Your Colon Can Be Cleansed

The health of the body is generally what keeps us strong and alive. Different cultures and societies have different ways that are used to keep certain body parts healthy. Several researches have been conducted to provide different ways of keeping the body healthy. The bowel is one of the body parts that can really cause a lot of discomfort if not properly taken care of. This may lead to excessive bacterial growth can cause negative consequences. There are some ways that can be used for an effective bowtrol colon cleanser methods and they include:

•    Homemade juice mixtures:

Colon cleanser reviews tell us that no specific formula will work for everyone, but a juice mixture that includes specific ingredients will work wonders on your liver and colon. If you whip up a concoction of 12 teaspoons of lemon juice extract, 12 of the same with maple syrup and some tiny bits of cayenne pepper, you will have a good portion for your daily cleans. This mixture is usually topped up with 2 liters of water, and with just a glass a day, your cleansing period will begin.

•    Herbal formulae:

Some herbs can be used for the same colon cleansing purpose as the juices. If you intend to eradicate any liver strains, you should have herbal mixtures that include milk thistles, licorice, fennel, peppermint and senna. These products assist in the production of bile, which assists the liver in the digestion of some of the food. Some herbs including wormwood, cloves and black walnuts are able to destroy parasites that give us the discomfort we commonly feel in our lower tummies.

•    Drink more water & homemade juices

Plain water helps to make the body system to function better. You should consider taking at least 8-ounce glasses daily. Furthermore, fresh juice prepared out of various fresh fruits and vegetables has the ability of working wonders on the liver and colon. If you consider an a mixture of lemon juice extract, maple syrup and cayenne pepper this will play an important in offering the recommended portion of a good cleanser. This mixture can be topped up with 2 liters of pure water. Taking a glass daily has the ability of cleansing the colon.

•    Herbal formulae

Several herbs can be taken to cleanse the colon. In case you are looking for an opportunity to get rid of any liver strains you can consider an herbal mixture consisting of senna, peppermint, fennel, licorice and milk thistles. Such a formulae help with bile production recommended for helping the liver digest food. Some of the recommended herbs include black walnuts, cloves and wormwood. These herbs are useful in helping destroy parasites that generate a sense of discomfort in the tummy.

•    Psyllium bowel cleanse

For active members of the community, including the youth the psyllium bowel cleanser is recommended highly. This option consists of mixture of several important ingredients including 1 teaspoon of ginger, 1 teaspoon of bentonite and 1 teaspoon of psyllium. 8 ounces of apple juice is used to blend the mixture. You can consider taking the mixture followed by an equal amount of pure water to get the best results. It is advisable to avoid eating food for 2 hours after taking the mixture so as to give time to the colon area to cleanse.

When you choose colon cleansing it is necessary to take precaution. Make sure to check with your medical provider in case you have health problems and if you are taking any medications. Furthermore, you should make sure the colon cleansing practitioner utilizes disposable equipment that has not been previously used. It is equally important to stay hydrated by talking lots of fluids while you are undertaking the cleansing in order to prevent dehydration.

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    June 2013

