Paying a close look at what happens to the internal system goes a long way in ensuring a healthy body. Just as one gets to clean up there external body, it is important to consider cleaning the internal body. A colon cleanse for one helps to push the undigested waste away from the system, clearing the way to pave way for an effective process of absorbing the nutrients. In case waste is left in the body for long, this generates to a breeding ground for illness and bacteria. A colon detox ensures a clean colon that allows for the undigested waste to be passed out easily through the system. Some of the natural ways of cleansing the colon include:

· Eat sufficient amounts of foods

Every time you eat, the gastrointestinal tract is stimulated to start the process of digestion. The propelling mechanism called peristalsis is activated, pushing the food down the system. It becomes absorbed and by the time it reaches the large intestines. Most of the rest is water and waste products. This keeps the colon active as it will try to excrete the wastes products and absorb the water. Having a large bunch of these wastes to excrete, exercises the colon keeping it strong as compared to having small amounts of feeds regularly.

· Eat high fiber diet

It is in the colon that the remaining products of digestion are formed into stool, and then they are taken to the rectum to be stored. Fiber acts as roughage which assists the colon to convert these wastes into stool. The stool formed with a high fiber diet is usually soft and easy to pass out of the body, preventing what is known as constipation. This will ensure that the colon is not overstretched and overworked in the process of defecation. This fiber can be found in fruits vegetables, legumes and some grains.

•    Consume plenty of water

Pure water plays an important role in getting rid of waste products. Water is the main substance absorbed by the colon. Therefore, having plenty of drinking water helps to ensure a soft stool to be passed out, avoiding constipation. Eating foods that contain high levels of water can also prove helpful. After exercising, which is also important in ensuring a healthy colon, it is advisable to consider taking water.

•    Empty your bowels when the need arises

Any time you experience the desire to empty the bowel it is important to comply with the feeling. Suppressing the urge or delay leads to a situation where the colon continues to absorb most of the water resulting in hardened stool. This is likely to result in constipation which can result in obstructing the bowel. To avoid these problems it is important to consider emptying the bowels when the urge arises, in the process keeping the colon clean as well as healthy for long.

The purpose of an effective bowtrol colon cleanse helps to avoid constipation. Constipation often makes the bowels to become less functional, which is likely to prove dangerous.

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    June 2013

